1.If the equipment is not used for a long period of time, disconnect the equipment from the power source to avoid damage from power spikes.
2.In order to avoid damage to the reinforcement the diameter to which the bar is bent (Mandrel diameter) should not be less than .
3.Water heater installation. Non-professionals do not easily move, loading and unloading machine, to avoid damage to critical components.
4.2 should be taken to avoid damage when installing the surface, lamp or wiring installation should wear gloves.
5.Exposure to carbon dioxide should also be minimized to avoid damage to the sensor through reaction with the potassium hydroxide electrolyte.
6.End of concrete pouring, measuring instruments should be regularly inspected, maintained and stored indoors to avoid damage.
7.Do not arbitrarily make up for their products, parts, to avoid damage to the product.
8.Do not hot cup directly into cold water to avoid damage porcelain rapidly changing the temperature.
9.The outer mechanical seal shall be located in a recessed housing outside the main flow path of the pump to avoid damage.
10.Smooth delivery of materials, supplies, there is no relative movement with the conveyor belt, to avoid damage to the carrier material.